Click by Click Blogging

Educational instruction on blogging

Network Marketing Success Comes From Maximizing Your List

Your in network marketing, you have a list, now what? Now you need a system to automate your follow-up and maximize your results. You need to create a  formula for establishing autoresponder emails that are guaranteed to get the most opens and clicks. There’s been a lot written on this subject, and you should experiment by testing different methods to find what works for you. But, there’s one solid rule that has been proven to work.

Complete a marketing strategy before setting up your autoresponder messages. That’s right, put it all down on paper, from start to finish. Create a marketing funnel that gives your marketing structure. Make all of your autoresponder messages connected, with each one pre-selling the next, leading your prospect along a pre-determined path towards monetization.

The idea is to provide free valuable content with an e-book, report, or video to capture their e-mail information. ( This is more effective if it is something that you personally have created ). Once they are in your funnel, send them an offer for a product that is low in cost, just enough to cover your costs and time spent. Make sure that each offer is related, keep things flowing in one direction. The prospects that go the farthest through your marketing funnel, are the most valuable. Then, you upsell with your most expensive proposition.

Just remember that between those 3 steps, you send valuable content ( you decide the spacing between and number of messages that you send  ) in your autoresponder messages that pre-sells the next step. Keep it personal, talk from your heart, discussing experiences you’ve had that relate to the subject you are promoting.

Always use a professional full service autoresponder service like AWEBER.

* Authors note: learn more about these concepts from the only click-by-click network marketing school taught by leading experts in the network marketing field. CLICK HERE for a no cost tour.

May 22, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Look For These 3 Traits To Find The Perfect Prospect

I hate wasting time, don’t you? Limit your prospecting time and increase your conversion ratio by looking for quality characteristics in a prospect first. You’ll have a prospecting advantage, giving you a better chance of bringing someone into your business, and that’s what its all about, right. Let’s have a look at the 3 golden qualities you should focus on:

  1. Former entrepreneur

  2. Information seeker

  3. Just looking to make money

Former Entrepreneur

This is the best trait to look for, but can also be the hardest to convert. Once you’ve been in the network marketing business, your hooked. You got in the first time with big dreams, but you got crushed, and your very sceptical. But deep down inside you still have the bug, you know what I’m talking about, right. Those big dreams of being your own boss, and making tons of money.

Well, what happened to that prospect? They were probably mislead with out of this world hype, myths, and lies, resulting in frustration. Everyone knows that network marketing is a jungle, with very few survivors. So, what do you do to attract this type of A-1 prospect.

Address their fears. Convince them there is an answer to all network marketing myths and lies. Here is a few of the best myths and lies:

  1. Everyone is your prospect

  2. This isn’t really sales! We just share products with people

  3. Anyone can do this

  4. We’ll build your business for you

  5. We have the best product ever

  6. You just don’t have enough belief

  7. We have a proven system

Create articles, newsletters, e-mails, and blog posts addressing these career crushing myths and lies, and you’ll convince the former entrepreneur to come back into the business, and hopefully back into your business. For an in-depth no cost report on this subject CLICK HERE.

Information Seeker

This is a person that is hard to convince. They need to cover all the bases, investigating and absorbing every piece of information they can find about your network marketing opportunity. But once they do make a decision, you could have the most dedicated and passionate prospect available.

So what do you do? Give them more information of course, tons of information. Set up an autoresponder account with the opt-in box on your blog, e-mails, or web site. Feed them a continuous stream of information about your opportunity, until there full, satisfied and ready to sign-up. The magic of an autoresponder is, that once set up, it’s automated, leaving your hands free to work on other marketing programs. CLICK HERE for more information about a reliable autoresponder service.

Just Looking To Make Money

This could be someone who is just looking to make a little extra money, but not specifically in a  network marketing business. Motivation is a good thing, and sometimes the need for money can be a powerful motivation.

How do you attract this prospect? It can be tricky, because anytime your marketing effort is focused on the potential money making ability of your opportunity, it’s looked at as hype. And as you know, there are tons of outrageous hype out there. Use examples of income that you have generated, or income others in your up or downline have made, without exaggerating. Back that up with a logical time frame for the prospects success. Offer to answer any other questions they may have, with an e-mail address or telephone number. Many potential prospects will have to learn about network marketing from the ground up, and it’s best to offer an educational source like this NETWORK MARKETING SCHOOL.

March 30, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment

Do You Know What Your Actually Selling?



You know your target market, now what? Believe it, or not, you have to know what you’re actually selling. So let’s clear this up first……..


The answer is YOU! When you’re trying to sell a business opportunity people have to buy into you first. Why? Because everyone knows that building a business is a process, and their learning curve is dependant on your knowledge. All the data and instruction your opportunity provides won’t be enough for them to succeed. For this reason there is a lot of trust involved when making a purchase. Everything is riding on your guidance. So, how do you sell YOU first?


By acquiring knowledge and experience in your field. Now you’re probably thinking that this is going to take a long time, and yes it will. But one thing that you have to remember is that there will always be someone new coming in that knows less than you do. When you learn one thing, it can be taught to someone else that doesn’t know. This process goes on and on, and as you learn new things you’ll have more and more value to people under you. Marketing knowledge is essential for success in network marketing.


To build trust and pre-sell (you must establish a trusted rapport and have value in your suggestions) you have to have something to offer besides an opportunity. Prospects want to know if YOU can lead them to success. Period.


Increase your value to your customers  today, by learning from Top Experts in the network marketing field at our click-by-click online school.


 * P.S. Sign-up for more tips & advice with our no cost network marketing newsletter  and don’t forget to re-visit my other blog for more marketing help & resources:   


March 20, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Increase Blogging Success By Knowing Your Target Market

Do you feel like you’re doing a lot of marketing, but aren’t getting any results with your network marketing business? It’s probably because you’ve lost focus of this very important first step, ( Know your target market ). Every thing starts with this concept. To make your marketing more precise and efficient you must market to a specified area, and that area only. Here are the questions you must answer:  

 1. ” Who is your target market?”

 2. ” What kinds of things are they looking for?”

3. ” What are their needs and some problems you can solve?”

The goal of this lesson is to help your business by attracting the right people, in fact you can use these strategies to attract prospects and customers to any type of product you might sell.

First, answer the question “who needs this product or service?”

Then put yourself in their shoes. You need to know their personal concerns, fears, and problems, as well as what they talk about, think about, read about, and dream about.

Take some notes as you go, anything you come up with is important.

One target market area to consider, is to look for people who have bought a product or service like yours before. Maybe, they were frustrated with the results. It’s your job to point out how and why your product is guaranteed to work for them, to point out possible fears, problems, and personal concerns, and then give them the solution they’re looking for.

Whatever you do, never underestimate the critical importance of knowing your specific target market. Regardless of what your selling, you must start thinking this way from now on. You can’t successfully attract people to you until you know what they want and what they need. Develop a list of possible emotional triggers that would prompt people to buy from you, and develop your content using these themes.

* Authors note: Education is the key to any successful business. Set aside 10% of your marketing time per week, and spend it on just learn more about marketing. Here’s a link to education from top experts in network marketing.

* P.S. Feel free to re-visit my blog for more marketing help & resources:


* Bonus – Get our no cost network marketing essential business building newsletter, which includes our time saving report ” The Top 25 Autoresponder Secrets “.






March 14, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

6 Ways To Build The Ultimate Blog

Are you looking for a way to effectively use a blog to increase FREE traffic for your network marketing business? Do you want to create unique content and establish a presence, by branding yourself? A blog can explode your business when done right–allowing you to generate traffic and leads on a shoe-string budget while establishing credibility and building trust with prospects and clients.

FREE blog and attraction marketing training webinars will teach you the exact strategies and techniques used by experienced attraction marketers, like Mike Klingler and Anne Sieg  who’ve experienced success with a WordPress blog. Learn the following 6 essential blog tactics to explode your network marketing business today:
1. Why wordpress is such a great platform for blogging.
2. 16 plugins that will make your blog a magnet to the search engines and a joy for your readers.
3. How to structure your blog to get maximum search engine rankings and improve your conversions.
4. 13 hot tips for building a better blog
5. 9 key strategies for promoting your blog content.
6. A technique to automatically distribute your content through the social networks.
If you’re interested in getting started with blogging, want to learn how to blog, write a blog, or have already started a WordPress blog, consider click by click training to learn how to structure a professional attraction marketing blog the right way. Join Renegade Professional and WordPress blog expert Steven Anderson for click by click training tutorials on how to submit articles and build the ultimate WordPress blog, and generate traffic to your network marketing business, or website. CLICK HERE for a FREE webinar  and begin your click by click training and essential network marketing education today! 

* Bonus – Get the latest tips & advice in our no cost Network Marketing Newsletter, including the time saving report ” The Top 25 Autoresponder Secrets ” .

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July 1, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment