Click by Click Blogging

Educational instruction on blogging

Network Marketing Success Comes From Maximizing Your List

Your in network marketing, you have a list, now what? Now you need a system to automate your follow-up and maximize your results. You need to create a  formula for establishing autoresponder emails that are guaranteed to get the most opens and clicks. There’s been a lot written on this subject, and you should experiment by testing different methods to find what works for you. But, there’s one solid rule that has been proven to work.

Complete a marketing strategy before setting up your autoresponder messages. That’s right, put it all down on paper, from start to finish. Create a marketing funnel that gives your marketing structure. Make all of your autoresponder messages connected, with each one pre-selling the next, leading your prospect along a pre-determined path towards monetization.

The idea is to provide free valuable content with an e-book, report, or video to capture their e-mail information. ( This is more effective if it is something that you personally have created ). Once they are in your funnel, send them an offer for a product that is low in cost, just enough to cover your costs and time spent. Make sure that each offer is related, keep things flowing in one direction. The prospects that go the farthest through your marketing funnel, are the most valuable. Then, you upsell with your most expensive proposition.

Just remember that between those 3 steps, you send valuable content ( you decide the spacing between and number of messages that you send  ) in your autoresponder messages that pre-sells the next step. Keep it personal, talk from your heart, discussing experiences you’ve had that relate to the subject you are promoting.

Always use a professional full service autoresponder service like AWEBER.

* Authors note: learn more about these concepts from the only click-by-click network marketing school taught by leading experts in the network marketing field. CLICK HERE for a no cost tour.

May 22, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment