Click by Click Blogging

Educational instruction on blogging

Blog Review:

I love the enthusiam of new blogger Robinsh Kumar, who recently set up his own blog @  and is constantly posting new ideas. It’s amazing how a blog can inspire someone who is looking for answers.

The blog has an appealing layout, with a baby blue header that catches the eye.It’s easy to scan with a lot of white space, with smooth navigation. On the right side there’s a column for advertising, and a list of categories, friends and blogs, and the archive.

The goal of this blog is to help young entrepreneurs. This is a great subject, as this niche has not really been developed to its potential. There are thousands of young, hungry, and enthusiastic business owner hopefuls out there looking for direction on how to get started.

Readers are also welcome to comment on any post, and can join as a guest poster. Certain guidlines are required to follow for this and can be read on the site. There’s a great opportunity to join in and be part of a new growing blogging comunity.

*For a limited time free advertising is available for your business on the site. Read terms and conditions on the blog.

May 10, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Magnetic Sponsoring Attracts Prospects To You

Every once in a while an educational coarse come along that’s just worth talking about. I mean, don’t we all need help trying to attract free traffic, I know I do. So this book got my attention, because I’ve experienced the frustration of low or non existent traffic to my blog or website.
Wouldn’t it be great if prospects and customers came to you instead of you spending countless hours chasing them? Well it’s possible, and it’s all laid out in an book called Magnetic Sponsoring. In fact, the basis behind it is a little-known internet prospecting secret, and it’s been bringing tons of network marketers success. You can avoid frustration and rejection, and eliminate advertising costs with this attraction marketing formula. If you would like to attract an endless flow of free qualified leads, this story is for you. 
Mike Dillard is one of the top marketing guru’s, who went from waiting tables to 7 figures in less than 18 months, and has helped 1,000′s of people achieve financial freedom by telling the truth about doing MLM in the internet age. But despite this, just a few years ago he couldn’t sponsor a new distributor if his life depended upon it. Then. almost by accident he discovered a secret way of prospecting on the internet called attraction marketing, and Magnetic Sponsoring was born.
Now you can discover Magnetic Sponsoring’s 100% ” rejection free ” way of prospecting that lets even the most ” timid ” and shy networker sponsor dozens of new distributors in just a few short weeks. Sounds incredible, doesn’t it. Well, sometimes I still have a hard time believing this actually works. But look, the ” Old School Prospecting Methods ” will kill your chances of making any money in MLM. It’s time to give up those dinosaur MLM tactics and let attraction marketing work for you.

The Magnetic Sponsoring system is based on 2 ” core truths ” of MLM in the internet age:

1. The old school sales routine of cold calling leads, holding meetings, knocking on doors and trying to ” convince ” people to look at your opportunity is DEAD.

2. The fastest and easiest way to make money in MLM today is to ” position ” yourself so only the hottest, most qualified prospects come to you
( and only you ).

That’s it! These 2 pieces of truth took Mike Dillard and Magnetic Sponsoring from dirt broke to 7 figures in less than 18 months, and let him generate over 115,329 leads over a 2 year period without spending a single penny. And guess what? You can learn to do the same thing, no matter what network company your in. You can immediately start attracting a unlimited number of leads to you.

Visit our blog: 

(  ) to get more information on this ground breaking, valuable, and easy to read manual called Magnetic Sponsoring.


May 8, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment

The 3 Physical Components Of Proper Marketing

You’ve heard of proper marketing structure, but how do you set it up and make it work? Well first you must understand the 3 physical components of marketing. This process is simple, but powerful. Here are the 3 components:

  1. Set up your point of contact
  2. The prospect gives you permission to communicate
  3. You offer value and thus get their attention for your business opportunity

Set Up Your Point Of Contact

This is your first step, to make sure it’s functioning in reality. This is where the prospect finds you on the internet from content you have created. This could be a press release, article, blog or website.  Use free submission sites and free blogging platforms to start. You don’t want to spend your resources just trying to get established. Here are 2 free blog sites that I use:



The Prospect Gives You Permission To Communicate

Now, this is a big one, because you don’t want to spam anyone, that is, don’t send people information unless they ask for it. This is frowned upon in the network marketing community. You must set up a lead capture page, or opt-in box. To save time and frustration (free autoresponder services are very misleading ), please use a reliable full service autoresponder service like Aweber   Build and design your web form ( this is the one I use on this site for my monthly newsletter ) and place it where it will most likely be seen for any new visitor. * Note: some free blogs  won’t allow this type of form to be posted.

Once they sign-up you have their permission to send them info, and that’s essential to do your marketing. It sounds a little complicated, but the site I use has a very helpful support staff to assist in the set-up. Take a look at this professional OPT – IN BOX site.   
You Offer Value and Thus Get Their Attention For Your Business Opportunities
Remember, you must always offer value to be noticed and receive respect. Everyone’s time is precious, and if you’re not giving something of value they’ll just go look for it somewhere else.
The lessons you learn along the way are your main source of content and inspiration. Tell people what that resource did for you, how you learnt to save time by doing something a particular way, and so on. Just give it your own spin, with your own voice, and you’ve created a valuable lesson for someone else.
For more marketing information visit our blog @ 
* Education is the key to any successful business, learn more about network marketing strategies with a no cost tour at our click-by-click marketing UNIVERSITY. 






May 1, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment

Magnetic Sponsoring Is The Secret Weapon Of The New Rich

Are you having trouble sponsoring people into your
business? Wouldn’t it be great if they came to
you, instead of you wasting tons of time chasing
prospects that really aren’t interested in your
opportunity anyways? Well this is the answer you
have been looking for……..
Mike Dillard of Magnetic Sponsoring has unveiled
his secret weapon to network marketing success
in a newly released dynamic report. And it contains
the exact “blueprint” he used to transform a failing,
crippled, money-sucking MLM venture into a
six-figure income in just four months.
He originally wrote it when he first started using
his own system, because he was sponsoring so
many people… so quickly… he couldn’t keep up
with them.In some cases, he actually had to turn
people away — with a “waiting list” of people who
wanted to join his downline (can you imagine
having that “problem”?)
So he put his entire sponsoring formula into one,
“stripped-down” manual (just 54 pages) he could
simply hand to new distributors.This manual has
since transformed the lives of thousands of people
in every network marketing company in the
industry — including people who struggled to
sponsor even one single person before.

But you cannot find this manual in bookstores.

And, until a couple years ago, it was ONLY
available to his personal downline.Here’s just
a small taste of what you’ll discover in this manual:
1.How you can make as much as $500 to $1,000
your first month in network marketing… without
sponsoring anyone or selling your company’s
products!    *see earnings disclaimer
2.How to contact thousands of network marketers
already looking to join your opportunity… without
making a single phone call or spamming anyone.
3.The #1 “clumsy mistake” people make with
their mouths that kills their chances of signing up
new distributors.
4.Why you should almost NEVER sponsor “excited” prospects… and why lazy people often make the
most money in MLM.
5.A secret way to get hundreds — even thousands
— of people to join your downline at the same time
without even mentioning your company or business!
6.The fastest known way to quickly “position”
yourself as an expert and attract leads to you —
even if you’re brand new to MLM and know
nothing about the business now.
7.Why “opportunity seekers” are the WORST
people to sponsor!
8.A “can’t miss” way to instantly gain the respect
and admiration of every single network
marketer in your company — even if you haven’t
sponsored anyone yet!
9.The “Donald Trump” secret to effectively
answering questions and objections from MLM
10.What to do with your eyes to command respect
from almost everyone you talk to.  (You can actually
see this secret “in action” in most James Bond 007
11.The ONLY people you should ever market your
retail products to!  (Do this and selling thousands
of dollars in products each month is like taking
candy from a baby.)
12.An “almost magic” way to create 100%
duplication within your downline! 
The “big lie” of genealogy lists… and why you
should avoid them like the plague!
13.Why the best way ever discovered to make
money in MLM… and make it fast… is to do the
exact OPPOSITE of what most other network
marketers do.
14.A quickie, “idiot’s” guide to consumer
psychology — often used by cult leaders and
other persuasion masters — that lets you instantly
tap into the buying “hot buttons” of everyone you
talk to.
15.Why telling your prospects your company
is “debt free” and does billions in sales will
actually destroy your chances of signing them up!
16.The most common “sales killing” mistake
people make when sending email to their prospects. 
(Do NOT send another email to another prospect,
customer or lead until you read this!)
17.The only two things you should send a
prospect who wants more information. (Hint:
This has NOTHING to do with your product,
company or compensation plan.)
18.How to get your entire downline to loyally
follow you to another MLM company… with the push
of a button!
19.How to immediately get your newest reps
into a positive cash flow. (Making it almost
impossible for them to ever want to quit or
leave your team.)
20.A sneaky (but 100% legal) way to get
industry leaders outside your company to recruit
people into YOUR downline!
There’s more, a LOT more. If you have ever
faced these problems, or are looking for a way
to take your business to the next level, then this
dynamic report called Magnetic Sponsoring is
for you. CLICK HERE to get more information
*AUTHORS NOTE: Education is the key to any
successful business! Learn from top experts in
the field at our click-by-click instructional
AWeber - Email Marketing Made Easy

April 25, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | 2 Comments

The 4 Biggest Banner Ad Mistakes

Think of banner ads as the spice in your affiliate diet. Sprinkle them around, but don’t rely on just them, because when you leave out the 4 principles of solid sales copy, you have made the top 4 banner ad mistakes.
For a heartier helping of sales, you’ll need something more solid! You see, banner ads are great to look at, but often don’t push the right marketing buttons. Most are just glanced at, and in that split second your message must register to get the click that you desire.
Learn to give your visitors longer, more descriptive pre-sales text. This sales copy will draw them in hitting their emotional buy buttons. Banner ads are great, but back them up with dynamic sales copy. Revamp your affiliate advertising using these simple steps:

  1. Pull the Reader in
  2. Introduce the Product
  3. Explain the Product’s Significance
  4. Tell the Reader to Make a Purchase
To convince your audience that your text is worth reading, make your first sentence or two very interesting. Make a bold statement, say something seemingly ridiculous, or appeal to your prospect’s emotional side. Then, tie this grabber in with the rest of your copy.
What is the product you’re advertising? What does it do? Directly after your grabber, give a compact explanation of your product. Keep this explanation short, while still being very clear. This should still be a very short section of your text.

What will it do for me?

By writing your own copy, you can directly target your unique audience. Make the most of this opportunity! Clearly explain how your readers will benefit from this product.

No one knows your audience like you do. Suggest a variety of product uses just for them, and give examples. This is the time for details – make this section long and rich.

You’ve come so far – you’ve laid out exactly what the product is and how it will help your unique audience. Now, seal the deal – tell your readers to purchase the product! Include your affiliate link in this section.

This step may sound strange, but it’s necessary. Often, people hear about a product and are genuinely interested, but fail to actually make a purchase. A clear call to a simple action cuts down on buyer ambivalence. Don’t be pushy – just change your verb tenses to the imperative. Instead of:

“If you think that you fit this profile, you might want to think about buying this product.”

Say: “Click here to order an account today.”
To view a blog using banner ads CLICK HERE.
Education is the key to any successful business, and learning from top professionals in the business can be accomplished by going to NETWORK MARKETING SCHOOL.
AWeber - Email Marketing Made Easy


April 17, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment

Look For These 3 Traits To Find The Perfect Prospect

I hate wasting time, don’t you? Limit your prospecting time and increase your conversion ratio by looking for quality characteristics in a prospect first. You’ll have a prospecting advantage, giving you a better chance of bringing someone into your business, and that’s what its all about, right. Let’s have a look at the 3 golden qualities you should focus on:

  1. Former entrepreneur

  2. Information seeker

  3. Just looking to make money

Former Entrepreneur

This is the best trait to look for, but can also be the hardest to convert. Once you’ve been in the network marketing business, your hooked. You got in the first time with big dreams, but you got crushed, and your very sceptical. But deep down inside you still have the bug, you know what I’m talking about, right. Those big dreams of being your own boss, and making tons of money.

Well, what happened to that prospect? They were probably mislead with out of this world hype, myths, and lies, resulting in frustration. Everyone knows that network marketing is a jungle, with very few survivors. So, what do you do to attract this type of A-1 prospect.

Address their fears. Convince them there is an answer to all network marketing myths and lies. Here is a few of the best myths and lies:

  1. Everyone is your prospect

  2. This isn’t really sales! We just share products with people

  3. Anyone can do this

  4. We’ll build your business for you

  5. We have the best product ever

  6. You just don’t have enough belief

  7. We have a proven system

Create articles, newsletters, e-mails, and blog posts addressing these career crushing myths and lies, and you’ll convince the former entrepreneur to come back into the business, and hopefully back into your business. For an in-depth no cost report on this subject CLICK HERE.

Information Seeker

This is a person that is hard to convince. They need to cover all the bases, investigating and absorbing every piece of information they can find about your network marketing opportunity. But once they do make a decision, you could have the most dedicated and passionate prospect available.

So what do you do? Give them more information of course, tons of information. Set up an autoresponder account with the opt-in box on your blog, e-mails, or web site. Feed them a continuous stream of information about your opportunity, until there full, satisfied and ready to sign-up. The magic of an autoresponder is, that once set up, it’s automated, leaving your hands free to work on other marketing programs. CLICK HERE for more information about a reliable autoresponder service.

Just Looking To Make Money

This could be someone who is just looking to make a little extra money, but not specifically in a  network marketing business. Motivation is a good thing, and sometimes the need for money can be a powerful motivation.

How do you attract this prospect? It can be tricky, because anytime your marketing effort is focused on the potential money making ability of your opportunity, it’s looked at as hype. And as you know, there are tons of outrageous hype out there. Use examples of income that you have generated, or income others in your up or downline have made, without exaggerating. Back that up with a logical time frame for the prospects success. Offer to answer any other questions they may have, with an e-mail address or telephone number. Many potential prospects will have to learn about network marketing from the ground up, and it’s best to offer an educational source like this NETWORK MARKETING SCHOOL.

March 30, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment

Do You Know What Your Actually Selling?



You know your target market, now what? Believe it, or not, you have to know what you’re actually selling. So let’s clear this up first……..


The answer is YOU! When you’re trying to sell a business opportunity people have to buy into you first. Why? Because everyone knows that building a business is a process, and their learning curve is dependant on your knowledge. All the data and instruction your opportunity provides won’t be enough for them to succeed. For this reason there is a lot of trust involved when making a purchase. Everything is riding on your guidance. So, how do you sell YOU first?


By acquiring knowledge and experience in your field. Now you’re probably thinking that this is going to take a long time, and yes it will. But one thing that you have to remember is that there will always be someone new coming in that knows less than you do. When you learn one thing, it can be taught to someone else that doesn’t know. This process goes on and on, and as you learn new things you’ll have more and more value to people under you. Marketing knowledge is essential for success in network marketing.


To build trust and pre-sell (you must establish a trusted rapport and have value in your suggestions) you have to have something to offer besides an opportunity. Prospects want to know if YOU can lead them to success. Period.


Increase your value to your customers  today, by learning from Top Experts in the network marketing field at our click-by-click online school.


 * P.S. Sign-up for more tips & advice with our no cost network marketing newsletter  and don’t forget to re-visit my other blog for more marketing help & resources:   


March 20, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Increase Blogging Success By Knowing Your Target Market

Do you feel like you’re doing a lot of marketing, but aren’t getting any results with your network marketing business? It’s probably because you’ve lost focus of this very important first step, ( Know your target market ). Every thing starts with this concept. To make your marketing more precise and efficient you must market to a specified area, and that area only. Here are the questions you must answer:  

 1. ” Who is your target market?”

 2. ” What kinds of things are they looking for?”

3. ” What are their needs and some problems you can solve?”

The goal of this lesson is to help your business by attracting the right people, in fact you can use these strategies to attract prospects and customers to any type of product you might sell.

First, answer the question “who needs this product or service?”

Then put yourself in their shoes. You need to know their personal concerns, fears, and problems, as well as what they talk about, think about, read about, and dream about.

Take some notes as you go, anything you come up with is important.

One target market area to consider, is to look for people who have bought a product or service like yours before. Maybe, they were frustrated with the results. It’s your job to point out how and why your product is guaranteed to work for them, to point out possible fears, problems, and personal concerns, and then give them the solution they’re looking for.

Whatever you do, never underestimate the critical importance of knowing your specific target market. Regardless of what your selling, you must start thinking this way from now on. You can’t successfully attract people to you until you know what they want and what they need. Develop a list of possible emotional triggers that would prompt people to buy from you, and develop your content using these themes.

* Authors note: Education is the key to any successful business. Set aside 10% of your marketing time per week, and spend it on just learn more about marketing. Here’s a link to education from top experts in network marketing.

* P.S. Feel free to re-visit my blog for more marketing help & resources:


* Bonus – Get our no cost network marketing essential business building newsletter, which includes our time saving report ” The Top 25 Autoresponder Secrets “.






March 14, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | Leave a comment

Jonathan Mizel Reveals Autoresponder Secrets


Mizel Video

Dear Subscriber,

“The SECRET to getting more money
out of your customer base is…”

— Jonathan Mizel, Autoresponse Seminar

What do industry giants like Disney, Microsoft, Intel, and American Express have in common? They’ve all sought out the expertise of the “master of targeted opt-in e-mail,” Jonathan Mizel! Now you can, too!

“The most important thing that you can capture from a customer is not his money. It’s…”

— Jonathan Mizel, Autoresponse Seminar

Hardcore businesses pay thousands of dollars to hear Jonathan speak, but you don’t have to. Through an exclusive offer with AWeber Communications, Inc., you can hear directly from Jonathan – for FREE!

“If you don’t use a sequential follow up system, I can’t imagine that you’re going to be very successful.”

— Jonathan Mizel, Autoresponse Seminar

Right now, the TWO-PART video of Jonathan’s sequential autoresponse seminar in London, England is in the AWeber control panel. In this amazing hour, Jonathan reveals:

  • Totally unique ways to use AWeber autoresponders
  • TWO case studies of DOUBLED, even TRIPLED profits
  • Secrets of super-marketers like MARLON SANDERS
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“When this system came around, it really changed our lives. And, it will also change your life. I don’t care what you’re selling.”

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Hint: It may revolutionize the way you craft promotional e-mails!

Find out what this means:
Hint: “BBOC” stands for
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Let Jonathan Mizel Show You How to Skyrocket YOUR Sales: ORDER NOW!

A1 Web Links – Marketing Resources

February 25, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment

Top 20 Blog Directories

Listing your blog on a blog directory is something that you just have to do, in fact it’s critical to gain exposure for your blog.  You must build a following, activate readership, and create revenue, and a blog directory is the most dynamic way to do that. Do you know anything about SEO? It’s probably the most debated and confusing subject in internet marketing. Everything begins with listing your blog in blog directories. Here are just a few SEO basics :
1.Create compelling keyword friendly titles
2.Test keywords
3.Basic SEO plugins
4.Establish back links
5.URL structure with concrete descriptions
6.Create deep links ( different pages )


It can be quite a challenge to create, customize, add content, and maintain a blog. Personally, I have struggled with time restraints, and coming up with compelling content. But, I’ve decided to rely on professional training, and this will give me confidence to succeed. You’ll love blogging once you learn the secrets long time bloggers use, and remember: BLOG = Better Listings On Google  

There are many options to consider when building links to your  blog , but simply, submitting to blog directories is the easiest to implement and the most cost-effective ( not all blog directories are free, and the ones that cost are said to be more effective, but you should experiment first and discover what works for you )  Just remember,  good link juice is essential to a healthy growing blog. *Attention, some blog directories have affiliate programs, I intend to note my involvement in each review. Prices listed and Google ranks are subject to constant change. 

Here is a list of 20 popular blog directories  

1.  Look for a home page with sharp-looking text and a huge search bar. The rules for their 33,003 blogs are right at the top, which is a good thing to know before you go to far. Some blog directories don’t disclose these rules until you’ve already entered your info. Blog submissions are done easily. They also have a great feature in their Liquida Widgets, where you can enrich your blog with imports of Liquida posts, photos,videos, or a daily tag cloud. Google rank: 1  

2.   Appealing home page with a colourful header and visible search bar. It has a social aspect, with a popular discussions column. Other features are: category lists, most active posts, and featured blogs. Sign-up is easy and free ( when you post a return link badge on your blog ), and you have immediate access. There are paid categories also, that will guarantee better visibility for your blog, but there not required for inclusion in the blog directory. Google rank: 2  Entrepreneurship Blogs - BlogCatalog Blog Directory

3.  The home page is quite plain, with little colour for emphasis. The 161,384 sites can be accessed by a visible login, search, and navigation bars at the top of the site. They have a free service, and a premier listing service ) $ 10 ), but the cost of this is not revealed until late in the sign-up area. You can upgrade from free at any time. Google rank: 5  
blogarama - the blog directory

 4.   Very plain and simple home page with free submissions. You can move the acceptance process up by moving to the top of the acceptance list for a small fee. One great feature is that there’s a tab for the latest blogs. So if you have posted lately, your blog will get exposure, as they show the last 155 blog postings. Google rank: 16 blog directory

5.  Every site is different, and everyone looks for different qualities. With that said, I found this blog directory to be a little disorganized, as I spent a lot of time looking around to find what I wanted. It has some unique categories for it’s 35,645 members, including an online dating service, and some chat features. Google rank: 6  

6.  This is a well laid out home page, with small text and a colourful navigation bar. The category section has the numbers of blogs in each, there’s a cloud tag, and overall there are lots of information. There are currently 2,843 blogs that have fees ranging from $1.99 ( one time fee ) to $39.99 per year. Google rank: 9  

7.  Home page is clear and spread out. All of your important needs are at the top, and they also feature latest blog posts, and top blog tags. Regular links are a one time price of $ 39.99 and featured links are $ 54.99 per year. There is also an affiliate program ( which I belong to ) where you can earn extra money. Google rank: 17  

8.  There is a bold blue header and text on the home page, that is easy on the eyes. This human edited blog directory has 69 categories, and 23,426 blogs. It has 3 different levels of sponsorship from $ 4.99 to $ 124.99, and they don’t include acceptance, as requirements have to be met. Google rank: 19  

9.  This contains a plain homepage with small black text, and lots of white space.  The login is not visible, but the registration free and is easy. With 101,368 blogs and the claim of being an all-in-one blog directory, it does have some great features. Some of these are the last 20 blog listings, interesting blogger sites, and an online dating service. Google rank: 20  blog search directory

10.  This homepage is colourful, the login and search bar are visible. Some of the features among the 157,056 blogs are a tag cloud, featured blogs, and user photos with links. Every tool and function is free, with immediate registration. Google rank: 42  Yellow Pages for USA and Canada

 11.  I’m disappointed with the plain, low vision print homepage. Most of the page is taken up with categories. To make up for that it has these extras: directory submission service, and soon, website design and template coding. Also, they insist you try their free trial package before paying for submissions. Paid services run from $15-$75. Google rank: 45   

12.  Sharp looking home page with the categories, search bar, and blog submission tab all on top. There a featured blog spot and also fastest gainers, sinkers, and newest additions area. Every blog is rated to their perceived value in each section. There is a review fee of $ 34.99 per year. Google rank: 46  

13.  This homepage has a nice layout with blogs posted right at the top, and a free submission. You can comment, rate, share, or use a live chat option. There’s a hot discussion column with photo that you can view by highest rated, or most discussed. This site creates an opportunity for people to interact with news, with an option to discuss and engage socially. Google rank: 60  
We teach u click-by-click blogging - Blogged

14.  The homepage has a bland appeal, but has a good layout. There’s a good  about us, and how blog listings help your business. But, right almost centered is a big google adwords box, very distracting when looking for info. Blog submissions are very detailed, and you must submit a lot of info. Regular links are free, and featured links are $8.00 per year, very reasonable. Google rank: 62  

15.  Homepage is clean, with a splash of colour. It’s free to join if you post a badge. You can set up your own blog ranking, and create your own sub-directory. They show 5 random blogs, featured bloggers with photo, and featured rankings. They also have a feed to Twitter or Facebook. Google rank: 67 Blog Directory -

16.  Homepage has small text, and a lot of red. There is also a column posted, but there is nothing there. Registration is easy, and access is immediate. Has all the basic blog departments. Regular links are just $ 1.00 per month and featured links are $ 4.99 per month. Google rank: 121   

17. Best of the Web  Submit to BOTW Amazingly simple homepage design that has quick search results. Reported to be top class, and sometimes the price will give that away.  You pay an annual U.S. $ 75.00 recurring review fee. They also have an affiliate program that you can earn extra money for referring people. ( I’m an affiliate ) Google rank: n/a  


Proudly listing 19,183,609 blogs in our blog directory and growing every day! This statement on their home page says it all. This is a very simple layout, but don’t be fooled, as you can see this blog directory has massive appeal, and is easy on the eyes. Easy sign-up and good search speed are added features. a href=””>Blog Directory
 19.  Amazing sharp photos and videos meet your eyes when you arrive. This adds to the square, organized layout of the homepage. Incredible amount of information on the navigation bar, with categories such as pics, lookbooks, tv, music, games, olympics, and more. There is also a section on how Zimbio promotes blogs. Must see site! Google rank: 3 My Zimbio

20.   Sharp homepage, with the bold blue colours adding zip. There are 12,763 links on this site, with the blog categories taking up most of the space. This makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. The navigation bar is on the left side, which is different. They have to free submission categories, and one featured, at a cost of $ 5.00. Google rank: 8  Blog DirectoryA1 Web Links –

Not enough choices, no problem, just search the web, there’s lots more, in fact there’s 169,000,000 blog directories listed. You must try each directory to discover if it works for you. Each person has different likes and dislikes, and in no way is a recommended blog directory perfect for everybody.   Blog Directory 001 SiteSmash!

*Authors note: although this is a educational and instructional site about blogging, there is more to network marketing. Learn the truth about your upline, and the reasons they are holding you back, with commentary and solutions about real mlm issues, go to:
blog directoryBlogs Directory

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February 21, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , , | 4 Comments